

Adult Children of Alcoholics ACoAs: Qualities and Traits
A great article listing some of the difficulties many ACoAs have.

Many people find community helpful as they are healing their past. If you think you might find comfort in talking with people who have had a similar experiences you might benefit from going to an al-anon meeting.


Out of the Fog
Information and support site offering help to family members and loved-ones of people who suffer from personality disorders

Will I ever be Good Enough by Karyl McBride, Ph.D.
Written for daughters of narcissistic mothers.


Tiny Buddha
A sweet blog about finding oneself.

Co Dependency for Dummies by Darlene Lancer 
This is a great book. I was hesitant to read it at first because it is part of the Dummies series and I didn’t take it seriously, however it has some great information and is very readable. The author has written many blogs on issues related to co-dependency. You can get a sense of the book on her blog.


Anxiety No More
One man’s journey with anxiety, packed with information and anecdotes.

Pema Chodron
Anything by Pema Chodron. She has a wonderful approachable way of speaking to the way the mind works.

The Mindful Path through Worry and Rummination by Sameet M. Kumar, PH.D.
A very readable, friendly book that incorporates great tools, meditation techniques and education.

The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety by John P. Forsyth, Georg H. Eifert
An easy to read, informative, and helpful workbook for those struggling with any form of anxiety.